What they didn’t report is that Oregon “over-spent” 4.6 BILLION last year during the heart of the economic shortfalls. That’s right “billions.” And have increased spending on average of 30% over the last 30 years! But it is 'all about the children' (especially all the new Spanish-speaking teachers we need today).
Oregon voters have spoken up in defense of state programs and schools (like they always do because they watch stupid commercials) and they will soon see a larger portion of the state's revenue coming from both individuals who earn higher than average incomes, and Oregon corporations. County and state educators breathed a sigh of relief after voters approved a tax hike Tuesday that will ward off deeper cuts into school budgets this year.
"Passage of these measures means we keep core services of education, health care and public safety that Oregon families, businesses, and communities count on," said Oregon House Speaker Dave Hunt, a Democrat who represents Clackamas County. Defeat, he said, would have forced the state to cut nearly a billion dollars more from such services.
The twin ballot measures also served as a gauge of anti-business populism and highlighted a nationwide debate over whether to fix state budgets by targeting the affluent. But they also fueled resentment of "tax and spend" legislators, as well as public-employee unions whose members enjoy job security at a time when thousands here have lost jobs.
But allow me to piss on the victory chant for just one moment to inject a small dose of reality: What Oregonians might have said in voting "yes" for Measures 66 and 67 is that taxing wealthy people and business owners is simply too hard to resist, especially when misleading ads suggest that business owners only contribute $10 a year to government services.
You see? Most Oregon businesses don't pay state corporate taxes because they aren't C corporations. They pay taxes on their business income through the personal income taxes of their owners. (You will see them moving out of Oregon soon).
For now, it seems to me that all we know from the "yes" votes is that most voters believed that more money for government is a good deal when it costs a minority group rather than everybody.
Measures 66 and 67 will hurt businesses' ability to restore jobs Oregon has lost in this recession, and they will hurt Oregon's venture-funded startups. But these permanent tax hikes -- the biggest tax increase in the state's history -- affect more than just startups. They are bad for all businesses.
Oregon's current economic challenge, the worst in 70 years, is the loss of more than 131,000 jobs -- more than 9 percent of Oregon's private-sector employment -- since November 2007. That's why state revenues haven't grown.
In addition to expressing faith in and thanking voters, supporters of Measures 66 and 67 should start writing thank-you notes to the state's wealthy people and business owners who will pay the higher bills. And they should keep some notes of sympathy on standby for any private-sector employees who soon could be out of work as a result of increased business taxes in a time of recession.
Oh, and when the businesses refuse to move to Oregon and many move to others states…hear me clearly when I say that is way too far for you to ride TriMet or your little bicycle. Grow-up you idiots! You have no idea what you just approved.
1 comment:
What I have to say is that Oregon is a "strange duck"...(No pun intended)
I voted NO!
Living in Oregon is like living in the Detroit inner-city! Same gangland influx as many drug-drowned cities, muggings on the Light Rail, 'cos they can't pay decent wages to have security...
Decent homebuyers being "tagged" continuously, ruining homes and hearts...1st and Burnside crawls with homeless looking for food, drugs, booze, and a bed for the night...What about them???....
The politicians here in Oregon just wear blindfolds when it comes to reading a proposition or bill that is forwarded to them...Where do the politicians and the PTB think that the revenue comes from in this "backward, stuck in the 60's, poor job employment for all ages" screwed up STATE????
Unemployment at 11.2%, and some of that is Oregon's bad habit of not hiring "new and fresh" ideas from someone that is qualified from out of state!!! They would rather pat the asses of their offspring and mates into the management of a company to save time and save "face" with the family~!! Atrocious~!!
The Schools REALLY, REALLY need to trash the recent budget for the teachers, throw them out to another country, HIRE some that are accountable with a decent salary-----WHY???? 'Cos I wouldn't have to work volunteering to teach 3rd and 4th graders how to improve reading skills...The teachers passed the little demons, not worrying about teaching them and failing their little butts, when they could not READ!! I read in the 2nd grade, so did my kids!!!
And, the parents are TOO LAX in teaching/tutoring them after leaving the supper table!!!
Oregon will go down in flames, mark my word...Oh, it was a GREAT place for out-of-staters to come and gobble up the properties, but now it will become a bedroom community for them----No business in it's right mind will come and set roots here......
.....Cheer up, it will get worse!!
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