....We will not rebuild our economy on the old model of bubbles and busts. We'll only climb out of the current crisis by creating a new, sustainable foundation for our economy's future -- and make the tough choices to put our economy back on the road to long-term prosperity." ~Organizing for America: President Obama’s official website.~
OK Mr. ‘two-face’…you promised over-and-over about “yes we can!” (Politically correct or not…you are having great difficulty telling the truth). Quite honestly Mr. President, you remind me of a boss I used to work for (not work with)…he couldn’t tell the truth on a consistent basis either. Let’s see how you have done sir!
Lie: Despite promising to keep lobbyists out of his administration, Obama has broken his word again and again (making 17 exceptions to this promise in his first two weeks).
Lie: Obama promised to eliminate income taxation for seniors making less than $50,000 a year. He has broken this promise despite numerous opportunities to keep it, including the economic stimulus package and his administration's first budget proposal.
Lie: Obama made it part of his agenda to "allow withdrawals of 15% up to $10,000 from retirement accounts without penalty (although subject to the normal taxes). This would apply to withdrawals in 2008 (including retroactively) and 2009," but didn't include this measure in the stimulus package or his budget proposal.
Lie: Obama did a shameless 180 degree turn on earmarks by sharply criticizing them (and bragging that he would pass legislation without a single one) and then signing a spending bill with literally thousands of them.
Dumb: In his first private meeting with Congressional Republicans, instead of "reaching across the aisle" and seeking earnest dialogue, he smugly told them that he should have his way because "I won."
Dumb: Taking a page out of the Bush Administration's playbook, Obama applied shrill, frantic, fear-mongering rhetoric to assure passage of his stimulus package.
Dumb: Obama's appointment of Hillary Clinton to the office of Secretary of State was unconstitutional.
Dumber: His movement of the United States Census out of the Department of Commerce and under the direct control of the White House was unconstitutional, politically motivated, and a dangerous, undemocratic expansion of executive power.
Dumb: His lavish inauguration also cost $170 million.
Dumb: Obama's Earth Day flights burned more than 9,000 gallons of fuel.
Dumb: Blaming Bush for America's deficits, but then increasing spending. This is after saying on the campaign trail: "There is no doubt that we’ve been living beyond our means and we’re going to have to make some adjustments."
Lie: Choosing purebred dog, "Bo" for the White House family's "first dog" instead of adopting a dog from a shelter like Obama promised.
Lie: The President also boasted during his campaign that "During 2009 and 2010, existing businesses will receive a $3,000 refundable tax credit for each additional full-time employee hired," and has failed to keep his word.
Last one for now: Obama promised a different tone in Washington D.C. and a move past bitter, partisan rhetoric. It took him less than a week as president to berate Republicans and sully the dignity of his office by picking a very public rhetorical fight with a private citizen, Rush Limbaugh.
It is easy to remember the truth..and harder to remember a lie. Just ask my old boss!
1 comment:
This is quite a rant, but deservedly so~!!
Obama was quite a sight when he stood before the crowds after his victory, with his family---and ya' know what?...I was one of those that watched, drew a deep breath and thought something was "really" gonna' happen!!!
He boasted of "change" and "yes, we can"...Sure enough, he won and "yes HE can", sleep in the White House each night!!! His performance on the "JOB" issue has not materialized, as there are more and more on the Unemployment rosters than before!
When I drive in town and see those "Job Creative" signs on road work...I wanna' scream! It hasn't happened!
But, let's don't forget it has been this way all along....Promises, lies, more promises, more lies....
The country was coming around with the Kennedy brothers, their ideas being for the good of the Country, so that was the reason for the assassinations......
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