Young dogs, primarily but not exclusively small breeds, can occasionally develop encephalitis.
A more common form of encephalitis in dogs is immune-based (which seems to be the case with Dillan). This means the body's own white blood cells (the cells that normally fight infections) are attacking the normal brain. Commonly called GME (granulomatous meningoencephalitis), this type of immune encephalitis has a "bad rap." The veterinary literature portrays this disease as fatal, but this is often not the case.
Common clinical signs of encephalitis are confusion, bumping into things, imbalance and stumbling....all of which Dillan portrayed. The MRI combined with examination of spinal fluid can provide an accurate diagnosis and lead us to corrective treatment....we are awaiting the spinal test information later today.
I don't care what the Internet says about the long-term life of a dog after being diagnosed with this stupid ass decease...I love my Mr. B and he will survive this! We have stabilized him and he is no longer in pain...
Of course I am angry. Why? Mainly because my neighbor of 10 years has a dog that lives in her backyard, 24/7, with no human warmth...and that "barking bastard" is still alive and in good health.
Know why Mr. B will make it? Because I believe that God would never let such a wonderful dog be taken from us...not yet! I love you Mr. B!!
1 comment:
I know this little critter soul, he is my Grand-dog...
He is the epitome of happiness, the picture of cuddleness, and the object and recipient of Love!
He doesn't ask for much, maybe a few bites of scrambled eggs, a chance to find a comfortable lap, and the safety in the arms of his loving "people"...
This animated ball of fur is so tiny and not deserving what has befallen him. But, he is a fighter, a roust-about, and we all wish for him a speedy recovery...
We all LOVE you, Dilly bug...Get well!
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