Wednesday, February 9, 2011, the final frontier

Space: The final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship, Enterprise...Its 5 year mission--To explore strange new worlds.

To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before. (Which should read: To go boldly...but who cares).....

Let's talk about space for a moment:  At the onset of a search for office space a real estate broker will invariably want to know right away how much space will be needed by the prospective tenant. word again.

If you have been through this estimating the right amount of space required for a new facility can be tricky. Leasing too much space and cash flow can be hobbled by an excessive rent payment and under-utilized space, too little space and staffing growth will be much?

This may result in the need to relocate, prior to your lease expiration—potentially a very expensive exercise. Adding the architect and office furniture expert to your leasing team early in the process to develop reliable space requirements (before you begin looking at potential lease spaces) can make all the difference in leasing the right size and type facility for your company. Why?

If you are the owner or leader of the company, an experienced architect and office furniture expert will arm you up front with all the crucial information, so you can confidently make the correct strategic real estate decisions for your firm. This will save you precious time and effort. What? How can an early furniture decision help me pick my new space? Well, what if your current furniture won't fit in the new space....what if breaking the workstations down, hauling them across town...and re-installing them are as much as new or used cubes? What if? And what about the company down-time? Can you afford that?

Having this information in hand when you begin looking for space will allow you to pre-screen potential lease spaces and quickly zero in on only those spaces that really meet your long term business plans. The overriding goal is to make sure that when the dust settles your new space not only meets your functional requirements, but reflects positively on you and your company throughout the duration of the lease term.

If, on the other hand, you are the person responsible for finding facilities for a larger organization, you know that relocating your corporate offices or opening a new branch office can be a very challenging experience, one that will demand the most from you and your team.

What’s most important is that the transition be as painless as possible for all involved, users and management alike. Your 'team' should help you get moved in on time while avoiding any bumps along the way. This is best accomplished by having a clear program of the space and functional requirements early on, and this is best collected by a professional architect and furniture provider. This program information will assure you there are no surprises for upper management and provide them with a clear picture of the size of the office being considered, as well as the projected head count for this particular site.

Bottom line! Start Early!

Don’t get caught rushing. A mistake in this early preplanning stage will most likely mean you’ll soon be going through the process all over again.

A little up front analysis and planning, through the help of a professional architect and office furniture professional (with experience in office planning); can go a long way in laying the necessary groundwork for a smooth transition to your new office. Assuming your planner has performed the proper analyses and documented accurately your needs for the new office, you can be assured that ultimately your new company home will be a good fit for your organization. And just as importantly the subsequent phases of design and construction will go more quickly and without surprises.

More about space next time....(end of part one)

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