If you read most of the reports circulating through various media sources, Hasan was “stressed” and harassed” by his fellow soldiers. He was having “anxiety attacks” out of fear he would be deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan (Allahu Akbar doesn't like it when Muslims harm Muslims). But that didn't stop him from taking tax money..."our" money to go to school.
So how is it that Americans are getting most of the real reporting on this tragedy from the British media rather than our own? It is the British that discovered his ties to Anwar-al-Awake, a radical Yemeni-American cleric with al-Qaeda ties! Please don’t tell me Interpol knew all this and the CIA didn’t!
Many American media services “dismiss” this dialog between the two as studies Major Hasan was conducting on U.S. Muslim soldiers and their emotions serving with the army.
If one is to believe the version being presented by most news sources at this time, Hasan was a lonely soldier who had a personal “meltdown” because of his fear of deployment to a war zone. He was a Palestinian immigrant with just a healthy conscious. The media must think I am an idiot.
Nowhere other than a very few American experts and the British media is it being told about eye witness accounts to his bizarre behavior for many months before the massacre.
And why is that? Could it be that those who favor “political correctness” are reaching for the “victim card” rather than the very possible answer of organized terrorism within our own military? General George Casey, the Army chief of staff, was on the Sunday talk shows warning against “jumping to conclusions.”
Yet, here is a man in a responsible position, a Muslim and a track record for religious radicalism, proclaimed “Allahu Akbar” – “God is great” as he opened fire on scores of innocent and unarmed people.Remember... it was Osama Ben-Laden who referred to Americans after the “Black Hawk Down” incident in Somalia as “the soft part of our struggle.”
Will we as Americans dismiss this act of terrorism as just another criminal act? Will Hasan be judged by the media and have an “O.J. trial”? How long will this country stand by and allow this to happen?
Is there even one “apologizer” for this murderer who doesn’t think that people who want nothing more than to disrupt American lives and kill us are smiling? The reaction thus far can only ignite their efforts to pursue even more outrageous behavior elsewhere.
And if you were them and you’ve already penetrated and destroyed our landmarks and the military in their beds, what’s there to stop them more outrageous targets with more “experts” begging us to forgive their troubled souls. Give me a break! Those people laying dead on the floor were the victims...not this idiot with a gun. It is almost as if it is "trendy" to root for the Muslims...no matter what they do (shhhh! yelling “Allahu Akbar” – “God is great” before you fire-off a few hundred rounds does not mean you are a terrorist).
After another deadly attack on American citizens on U.S. soil, authorities are busy reassuring Muslims that they have nothing to fear – from Americans!
--Some Muslims fear backlash after rampage: In the wake of Fort Hood tragedy, U.S. authorities try to assure that faithful steps are being taken to keep Muslim followers safe.--
I’m just waiting for some PhD to come on a talk show and call critics of Major Nidal Malik Hasan racists....because isn't that what we do when we "don't like the way we are being addressed?"
No wonder Muslims are so confused and torn. Referencing the Koran:
1. If you don't believe, "you are condemned to hell" (Koran 9:49, 9:68, 9:73)
2. If you don't believe, "your head is cut off" (Koran 8:12, 47:4)
3. If you don't believe, "you're set on fire" (Koran 33:64, 48:13, 76:4)
4. If you don't believe, "burning oil is burned down your throat." (Koran 18:29, 44:43-46)
They are not sure if this is scripture or a horror movie...this sounds like something Clive Barker wrote. This is what Hasan read outloud at a medical conference (and was then promoted to Major).
"The nature of terrorism is changing"
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