- President Theodore Roosevelt
Talk to schoolchildren in Oyster Bay, Christmas-time 1898
Understanding Craftsmanship…’what happened to America?’
Earlier this year, on Independence Day, many Americans observed the 233rd anniversary of their country's independence. They drove to the lake or seaside, barbecued, drank, watched fireworks, or otherwise celebrated, but few contemplated the meaning of independence. For those that did, several questions presented themselves: What happened to America? What happened to her independence? What happened to the promise of this once great land?
In 1959 America was the envy of the world, a beacon of freedom. It was still rejoicing in its vibrant, post-war economy, its population had exploded due to the "baby boom," and its people were the freest in the world. It was a nation aware, and justifiably proud, of its accomplishments. It produced more than any other nation. It had large stable families in which men and women worked together to raise strong future adults.
America had industrial and political leaders that took pride in their social responsibilities. It had the lowest crime rate in the world, with a correspondingly low incarceration rate. It had shining cities that were the jewels of the world. Its infrastructure was second-to-none. It had the best healthcare system, an honest government, low taxes, and a booming economy. Its people were rightly proud of it and loyal to it. What happened in the intervening half century?
Today, America's decaying inner-cities are cesspools of crime and blight. Assault, muggings, robberies, home invasions, carjacking, rapes, and murders are the norm. Graffiti and decay are everywhere. Elderly people are afraid to venture out - day or night. The poverty rate is rising even faster than the tax rate that overburdens America's working class.
Diseases like tuberculosis, that had once been eradicated, have returned. New problems like AIDS and H1N1 pop-up semi-regularly. Ideas like civic duty, patriotism, religion, and freedom are openly scorned. Its healthcare system is failed and its education system is corrupt - focused on teaching "tolerance" and other socialist ideologies, rather than giving its students an education useful in the real world. Political and financial corruption are rife, its economy is dying. Its good-paying, manufacturing jobs are off-shored and unfettered mass immigration allows hostile, third-world invaders in to take the service jobs that can't be sent overseas. Those invaders are then given social welfare largely unavailable to the average American and taught to resent White America. Don't believe me? Then you are an idiot and in a coma.
White American women are having 1.3 children per each - the non-white replacement level is 2.8. Aggravating this problem is the facts that, increasing numbers of the children white women, are having, are non-white. White America is going extinct. This deplorable fact is frequently lauded by corporate and civic leaders alike. Even our 44th President is not black as they all mention...he is half-white but let's make sure we never mention that...white is bad now. Why? Even during his inauguration some idiot mentioned, "Now is the time for white to get it right." Kiss my ass! What a stupid statement. But that's America today, say anything...anytime you want...no responsibility!
World-weariness and civic indifference grow daily. Attacks on constitutionally protected freedoms are frequent. Increased substance abuse-especially abuse of prescription medications - abounds. The institution of family is ridiculed and subverted. Every kind of sexual deviancy is advanced as normal. Everyone, including children, are encouraged to be as promiscuous as they like. At the same time abortion and birth control are heavily promoted leading to a dangerous decline in our birthrates.
What the hell happened in just 50 years?
Who says the government schools and the welfare state don’t work? They work perfectly. They were designed to put the American people into a political coma, and that’s what they’ve done. The objective would never be framed that way. The politicians would say that the purpose was to create unity, patriotism, and gratitude toward those who “protect our freedom,” that is, the government. But in fact, the purpose was to induce a political coma, and it’s done so.
How else to explain that few people give a hoot that we were obviously lied into war by the president of the United States, the vice president, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, and others, without a proper congressional declaration, and led to believe that Saddam Hussein was both willing and able to launch so-called weapons of mass destruction against us on 45 minutes’ notice?
How else to explain that hardly anyone notices that with respect to criminal suspects the Constitution has been all but consigned to the paper shredder, with American citizens and others being held indefinitely without charge and without the right to go before a judge to challenge such treatment?
How bizarre that for most people, sticking American flags on the car and front lawn is the highest sign of love for America, and questioning the president’s honor and veracity is the surest sign of treachery. After years of fruitless WMD searches in Iraq, the politically comatose are satisfied with their leaders’ and the media parrots’ inane responses: “We’ll find them eventually.” “We know Saddam Hussein had them back in 1988.” Or: “Hussein was the real weapon of mass destruction. Besides, we liberated the Iraqi people, didn’t we?” Didn't we? How many years has it been?
The question that takes the cake is, “Don’t you support the troops?” The non-comatose would know that to oppose sending Americans into unnecessary war is support. But that question is only supposed to change the subject. It’s the kind of thing the politically comatose say when threatened by the reality of facing responsibility.
Do you realize it has been eight years since Islamic terrorists flew hijacked planes into the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon? It’s one of those defining moments in time when you’ll always remember where you were and what you were doing when you first heard the news. Do you remember how our nation responded in the days and weeks following 9-11? Although tragic, it was a time that made us all proud to be Americans.
Fast forward eight years to 2009 and we now have a country that thinks we shouldn’t be at war with Muslim extremists, and a country that elected a President named Barrack Hussein Obama and thinks that we should end this war. In 2001, Barrack Obama was unknown to most Americans outside of Chicago. What would you have thought, if on September 12, 2001, you somehow were able to peer into the future and see a newspaper from January 2009 with the following headline: Barrack Hussein Obama Sworn-In as 44th President of the United States. I know what I would have thought. The terrorists have won with a name like that.
So what happened between 2001 and 2009 that caused such a u-turn in the American psyche? Are we no longer the nation that fought for freedom from British oppression and defended Europe from Nazi and communist schemes to conquer the world? What happened to that America?
The truth isn’t pretty these days. But there it is. Look for yourself. If you can feel proud about it, I don’t understand you.
....enough said about America....
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