Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced will determine what kind of outcome the rest of our journey through life will be like.
When things don't always go your way, you have two choices in dealing with the situations. You can focus on the fact that things didn't go how you had hoped they would and let life pass you by or we can make the best of the situation and know that these are only temporary setbacks and "study" the lessons that are to be learned.
Time stops for no one, and if we allow ourselves to focus on the negative we might miss out on some really amazing things that life has to offer. You can't go back to the past, you can only take the lessons learned and the experiences gained from it and move on. It is because of the heartaches, as well as the hardships, that in the end help to make you a stronger person.
The people that we meet on our journey, are people that we are destined to meet. Everybody comes into our lives for some reason or another and we don't always know their purpose, until sometimes, it is too late. They all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while. Several years ago, at an awards banquet an employee of mine was being honored in front of all 17 offices nationwide. My wife and I were absolutely 'stunned' when he accepted the award...and said without reservation..."I would like to thank Tracy Hall for hiring me."
As you can imagine I was shocked...but the words that came from my wife were true..."you never know how you will impact someone's life."
It is often the people who stay for only a short time that ends up making a lasting impression not only in our lives, but in our hearts as well. Although we may not realize it at the time, they will make a difference and change our lives in a way we never could imagine. To think that (any) one person can have such a profound effect on your life forever is truly a blessing. It is because of these encounters that we learn some of life's best lessons and sometimes we even learn a little bit about ourselves.
People will come and go into our lives quickly, but sometimes we are lucky to meet that one or two very special people that will stay in our hearts forever no matter what. The lessons that we have learned from them and the experiences that we have gained from meeting certain people, will stay with us forever.
It is often said that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. It all depends on how one defines the word "strong." It can have different meanings to different people. In this sense, "stronger" means looking back at the person you were and comparing it to the person you have become today.
It also means looking deep into your soul and realizing that the person you are today couldn't exist if it weren't for the things that have happened in the past or for the people that you have met. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason and sometimes that means we must face heartaches in order to experience joy.
It is “you” that decides if you are winning in life….or not. You decide if you want to make a difference in someone's life.
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