Friday, June 3, 2011

...."hey Portland meter maid!"..."kiss my ass!"

The City of Portland meter maids have no brains...they just walk up and down the street all day looking to make quota.

How low have we actually gone with the "invention" of airlines charging for pillows....and now Portland "splitting-hairs" on the ordinance regarding license plates?

I received a very large fine for not having my front plate "adhered" to the bumper while in a public parking space.....she actually "lifted" my wiper blade to place the ticket...over my plate on in the plain sight. For those of you who are not familiar with Portland meter maids, please allow me to introduce you to the "ill-speaking" Russian that provided my ticket. This is the second time I have had the honor to scrape her dog shit from the bottom of my boot.....thank you ma'am. You are an idiot.

See, in the state of Oregon, there are a few basic laws regarding the display of license plates that new or current residents should know. All license plate renewal fees are covered when registering a vehicle. Additional fees are added to the registration fee of any vehicle that opts to display "special group" or "personalized" plates. Oregon laws stipulate that any personalized plate can be made up of any combination of six letters or numbers with one space (or hyphen) than can be used anywhere within the display characters. The only exception is that a personalized plate cannot have three letters followed by three numbers or three numbers followed by three letters, since those are reserved for standard issue plates.

One-plate Display--If only one plate is issued, it must be attached to the rear of the vehicle. This applies to mopeds, motorcycles, trailers, campers and special-interest vehicles.

Two-plate Display--If two plates are issued, one of the plates must be attached to the front of the vehicle in a clear area (obviously seeing it on the dashboard through clear glass does not count). The front plate may not be displayed on the dashboard within the vehicle. It must be affixed to the framework on the outside of the vehicle. The second plate must be affixed to the framework at the rear of the vehicle. Both plates must be clearly visible.

Tag Display--The month tag (numbered one through 12) is your permanent "anniversary" registration tag and must be displayed in the lower left portion of the license plate. The year tag must be displayed in the lower right hand portion of the license plate. These tags must be affixed to the license plate itself: Tagging on any type of plate cover or license frame is prohibited.

Don't make the same mistake I made. Please stay away from the extremely skinny, ill-mannered, missing-tooth Russian in downtown Portland.....and make sure you have both plates on your car....the mayor cannot find another way to gain additional revenue for his bike paths.....