--Cars that drive below the speed limit in the left lane. Why in the world do all the people that do this ‘never’ look in their mirror or ‘attempt’ to move over….odd really
--Drivers that speed-up or honk when you back-out of a parking spot….’what’s that all about?’
--People that think a baby is not ‘born’ and not a human being until a breath is taken…
--People in the supermarket check-out line that wait until their entire bill is rung up before they begin writing their check. Hello...is the store name going to change or the date, or your signature before the clerk finishes? Get a clue!
--When people say..."Oh, you just want to have your cake and eat it, too." Screw that!!! What good is a damn piece of cake if you can't eat it? What should I do...eat someone else's piece of cake instead. What a stupid saying…
--Vending machines that refuse to take anything but a newly minted, perfectly straight and crisp dollar bill
--Anyone who is nice to your face and talks shit behind your back. Bad leaders and most of all…bad bosses…especially the ones that can’t tell the truth
--Stores that encourage their salespeople to follow you around and constantly ask if you need help…over and over
--When people say..."It's always the last place you look." No shit!! Why the hell would you keep looking for it after you've already found it?? Do people do this?? Who and where are they??
--Anyone who justifies doing something illogical simply "on principle"
--Anything that interrupts regularly scheduled broadcasting. Especially presidential speeches about how bad the economy is at the moment…(as if we didn’t know)
--People who freak out at ridiculous and inconsequential things
--My back…because it hurts
--The plastic wrappers on DVD’s that is impossible to open!!
--Pop-up ads
--Denise Richards when she tries to act
--When I get to the grocery store and totally forget everything I needed to buy…but end-up spending $40 anyway….Albertson and their whole campaign when Safeway came out with the Safeway card, saying that "you don't need a card to save at Albertson's." How long was it until they sold themselves out on that one and came out with the Albertson's card?
--The movie ‘Out of Africa.’ It sucked. I want the two hours of my life back
--When something is "New & Improved," Which is it? If it's new, there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement then there must have been something before it!
--Chain letters! Who the hell thinks that by annoying other people with stupid mail with no meaning, that they will grant you a wish, or make your long-lost love fall into your arms. Bullshit!
--People…in general. …like the irate customer who thinks that they deserve to be treated like royalty and you, the employee, like trash…
--Commercials about drugs that ask "is this drug right for you" without telling you what it treats
--Telemarketers… It's a shitty job, but if you ask me, they're asking for whatever angry responses they get from people…because most of you SUCK on the phone!
--People who drive in the fast lane going the exact speed limit or below the speed limit (oh wait…I said that already)….
--The junk mail I continuously get in my mailbox. It's just a waste of paper
--Sneezes that are teasing me and won't either let me sneeze or go away for good
--Feeling trapped or controlled: Wanna piss me off? Try to control me. It’s a deal breaker for me
--Being manipulated: This is a kind of being controlled, combined with being humiliated, combined with lairs. It’s not a good thing
--Bike riders who pedal away at 15 mph in the middle of the road….two wheels, a helmet and a day-glow spandex jersey make you something cool, but that something is not a car, so kindly move your ass to the side of the road
--People who act like they're super cool because of their jobs. I'm referring to tanning salon workers and Abercrombie & Fitch "representatives." You get paid minimum wage to intimidate insecure high school kids and wipe off machines whose purpose is to turn people into slabs of beef jerky. Where's the cool in that?
--WhEn Pe0pLe TyPe LiKe ThIs
--Ladies I love it when you look good....but please...put your makeup on BEFORE you leave the house....not behind the wheel
--Gangsta-wannabes….you know, the ones that pull their pants down and let you see underwear
--People with teddy bears in their cars. Okay, I can understand a 16 year female doing this, but every time I see a guy in his suped up Honda complete with teddy bears staring at me from the back window I get a good idea of who wears the pants in that relationship. Knock that shit off...it's a car, not your bedroom
--People that think they can do an impression really well but suck at it and keep doing it every two seconds...
--When a game freezes 2 seconds before you beat the last level
--When groceries go up because of the cost of fuel, but don’t seem to go back down when fuel costs drop
--Remember when you could fill up your tires for free at the gas station? Free AIR, what a concept!
--A driver, on his fourth license suspension for drunken driving
--Women in positions of authority who feel they have to "prove" they're "in charge" of men instead of just doing the damn job!
--Improv Jazz
--Unsolicited comments, Especially from people outside the situation at hand
--People who try to force EVERYONE to live by THEIR personal social codes and “cram” gay-rights down my throat…let me decide on my own...I don't need your help
--When people ignore good advice because they feel "threatened"
--Porn that takes itself too seriously
--HARDCORE political party followers who REFUSE to budge from "the party line"
--People who lack a spine
--People who open, and start to eat food in a grocery store before paying for it
--"Rubbernecking" in traffic
--The fact that I was taken the LEAST seriously by the people I worked with for 9 years as I helped them build their company from scratch…without even a thank-you…
--Excessive reaction to situations. (i.e. belly laughs when something is mildly humorous)
--People who have more than the maximum number of items in the express lane
--Guys that treat nice women like sh*t
--People who resist change and expect me to
--Dry wines, and people who say I should like them
--Bicyclists who ride too far in the car lane (oh wait…I already said that)
--People who send out ULTRASOUNDS like family photos
--When people allow their significant other to dictate their emotions for them
--The Rev. Jesse Jackson. Exactly WHERE IS his "church" and why doesn't he just stay there
--People who thinks it's OK for their dog to take a dump in my yard
--and what really tends to piss me off is people driving slowly in the left lane...in a Prius....did I mention that already?